Wednesday 12 March 2014

A Time to Learn

One of the things about us teachers is that we are so used to managing other people's learning that we forget to apply the same principles to ourselves.

Earlier today I was involved in some work looking at evidence for the way we plan and tailor teaching to suit the needs of individual learners. Much was made of setting pupils appropriate targets which are challenging enough to ensure they can progress, but which also allow them to experience the rewards of success on a frequent basis. A lot was also said about celebrating progress even if this is sometimes 'two steps forward and one step back' in its nature, and also how we often re-visit the same ideas in order to fix and reinforce these in learners' minds

On the way home, I took the opportunity of going to Confession, and was reminded of the process of conversion, how this is an ongoing and continuous process, and also something that Pope Francis has recently focussed on in his Ash Wednesday Sermon.

Lent is a time to learn from God, to take stock of where we are now, to consider where we should be heading. It is a time to listen to God, and let Him teach us: to accept His challenges, but also to celebrate the little successes and small strides we make each day in our lives and vocations. It is a time to practice and reinforce good habits. Even when we seem to be progressing slowly, sliding back or going over the same ground, we can take heart that if we keep trying we will ever move forward on our spiritual journey.

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